Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Easy by Tammara Webber

Title:  Easy
Author:  Tammara Webber
Publisher:  Berkley Trade (May 25, 2012)
Genre:  New Adult/Romance

Rescued by a stranger.
Haunted by a secret
Sometimes, love isn’t easy…

He watched her, but never knew her. Until thanks to a chance encounter, he became her savior…

The attraction between them was undeniable. Yet the past he’d worked so hard to overcome, and the future she’d put so much faith in, threatened to tear them apart.

Only together could they fight the pain and guilt, face the truth—and find the unexpected power of love.


WOW what a great debut novel for this talented author.  This book is "easy" to read, and "easy" to love.  Right from the start Tammara makes your heart drop right into your stomach.  The main character Jackie is attacked right at the start of this story, and is saved by an unlikely hero.  From that moment on Jackie has had a hard time opening up, and trusting anyone.

This story has taken a delicate situation, and turned it into a mind blowing read.  The author has made this story as a way to introduce a traumatic experience (that we have all scene happen in television shows) to every woman out there, and then bringing it home by using Jackie to help us find ways to stop something like this from happening, and what you should have done if you ever were a victim.

Lucas the male lead was sweet, understanding, and helpful to Jackie in all matters envolving this situation.

I have recommended this book to all of my friends.  I suggest you do the same.

This was a very powerful book, with an even MORE powerful message.

Rating:  4.5 out of 5

“sometimes, how a situation is perceived carries more weight than the reality of the matter.” 
- Tammara Webber

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